This list shows which Merchant Products and Services the Services of TicktapPay may not be used for, or only may be used for with the express written permission of TicktapPay. This list is compiled based on TicktapPay’s current understanding of applicable laws, risks factor (including likely Chargeback Levels and/or fraud levels), reputation impact and costs aspects related to providing TicktapPay’s Services for the relevant categories of products or services.
The Scheme Owners of specific Payment Methods, the use of which TicktapPay enables via its Services, may have more stringent restrictions with respect to certain products or services. Merchant should check then current restrictions or prohibitions applicable to the relevant Payment Method when using a Payment Method to ensure compliance.
The fact that TicktapPay generally or on an exceptional basis agrees to provide its Services for a particular product or services type should not be interpreted as an advice or opinion of TicktapPay as to the legality of Merchant’s Products and Services and of its intended use of the Services, therefore. Merchant is and remains solely responsible for ensuring the Merchant Products and Services sold are compliant with the applicable Scheme Rules and applicable laws in its country of origin and the countries its customers are based in.
Merchant may never use the TicktapPay Services in relation to any of the following:
Merchant may only use the TicktapPay Services in relation to any of the following with the express written approval of TicktapPay, which approval TicktapPay may withhold or revoke in its discretion where it finds this to pose a risk to TicktapPay’s business and/or reputation:
Merchant may only use the TicktapPay Services in relation to any of the following with the express written approval of TicktapPay, which approval TicktapPay may withhold or revoke in its discretion where it finds this to pose a risk to TicktapPay’s business and/or reputation: